Funding - Dates set for 2014 round of Community Challenge Fund bids
17th January 2014
Community Challenge Fund.
Community groups are informed that the deadline dates for submitting an expression of interest into the 2014 rounds of The Highland Council�s Community Challenge Fund are: 3 February, 1 May, 1 August, and 3 November 2014.
The Council�s network of Ward Managers is the first point of contact of assistance to groups considering bidding into the fund to promote a local project.
Kyle and Lochalsh Community Trust and Fort Augustus Community Company are the first two organisations in the Highlands to benefit through applications to the Council�s Community Challenge Fund.
Kyle and Lochalsh Community Trust plan to take over the running of the pontoons and public toilets at Kyle of Lochalsh. The group also plan to improve this service through gaining further European funding which they are going to use to upgrade the toilet facilities to include showers and regenerate the pontoons to create a much improved harbour facility. They will also employ an attendant to service the toilets.
Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston Community Company were also successful with their bid to undertake the �Village Officer� role of street cleaning, winter gritting of footpaths and some grounds maintenance. To improve the village amenity they will invest in floral displays including flower baskets, tubs and boxes, the maintenance of which will create a new job opportunity. The community company�s bid demonstrated how improving the appearance of their village can help maximise local tourism potential.
Chairman of the panel of elected members, which considered the expressions of interest, is Councillor David Alston, Depute Leader of the Council. He said: �The Challenge Fund demonstrates the eagerness of our local communities to become more involved in their communities. The Fund takes forward the Council�s commitment to local communities.�
Projects should:
� deliver the same level of Council service at a lower cost and be sustainable going forward, or
� provide a higher level of Council service for the same cost and be sustainable going forward, or
� help to reduce the Council�s costs for maintaining premises, by taking on the maintenance and running costs going forward with a one-off fund contribution.
See the web site for more details