Bayview House Newsletter 2003
1st January 2003
In 2001, one of our Day Care staff, Mairi Coghill, successfully produced a Magazine called the �Bayview Buzz�.
This contained lots of interesting articles about Local Folklore.
On the initiative of Elaine Baddeley, one of our Senior Residential Social Care Workers, I have asked Mairi if she could resurrect her good work and produce a yearly �Bayview Buzz� for all Residents and Day Attenders of Bayview House; their relatives and friends.
Bayview House, which is owned by Highland Council Social Work Services, opened as a Resource Centre for Older People in November 1995.
It provides Care Home accommodation to 22 Older People; 2 places for Older People who come for short stays; it has two Day Centres, one providing Day Care for up to 40 Older People on a Monday through to Friday, and a further Day Centre run separately, by Alzheimer�s Scotland Action on Dementia, four days per week.
The Resource Centre provides Meals-on-Wheels to the local community two days per week, and in conjunction with other Private operators and Voluntary Organisations, arranges for the provision of meals in outlying villages, through the funding of Meals on Wheels or Lunch Clubs.
Bayview House is also where calls on the Community Alarm Helpcall system are received, as well as being the base for Home Care in West Caithness, where two Senior Home Care Organisers are based, and oversee the work of around 75 Home Carers.
So as you can see, it is a very busy Centre indeed, and I am very keen to keep you informed of the work we do here, as well as to ask for your on-going support and to seek your assistance in some of our ventures.
In the last year alone, there have been numerous developments going on at Bayview House, and here are just a few:
We provide in-house training to all our staff, Care Home Staff; Day Care Staff; Home Carers; and, Senior Staff, every second month;
Penny Cormack, Senior Day Care Officer, has completed her SVQLevel III in Care, and now has this award along with her HNC in Care.
Elaine Baddeley and Rosemary Cormack, Senior Residential Social Care Workers, have begun their SVQ Level III in Care.
Claire McIntosh commences her SVQ Level III in Care in August, 2002.
Ann Munro is mid-way through working towards her HNC in Professional Cookery.
Indeed all our staff are supervised by a Senior member of staff and a lot of the Senior Staff�s time is spent arranging, accessing and devising training for our staff, to ensure they are kept up to date in all aspects of Social Care work.
Our Friends Group raised in excess of �1,000 from the Annual sale in May, 2002.
If it wasn�t for the sustained and continuing fund raising efforts of our Friends Group, we would have difficulty funding outings and gifts at Christmas.
I am not going to go on at length in this Introduction about the work we do, but will let the people who undertake it, describe in their own Articles just what is going on in the Centre, and that includes one of our Friends.
We do need more Friends to help us raise funds and if you are interested in taking on that role, please contact myself or any of the Friends mentioned in their enjoyable Article.
The Day Centre are now providing up to 15 baths per week in the Centre, for those who need assistance with this task where they have been assessed as needing this service;
The Day Care staff has also been trained in assessing eligibility of Older People for the range of State Benefits that are available, and have been targeting their new found knowledge at the Older People who use the services of the Centre.
This is a very valuable service run in partnership with the Citizen�s Advice Bureau, particularly given there are �50 million pounds each year in unclaimed benefits Older People are entitled to.
Slightly related to this, has been the Introduction of Free Personal Care by the Scottish Executive, which came into effect on 1st July, 2002, which is set to benefit Older People throughout Scotland.
Free Personal Care, as is the case with all the services we provide here at the Resource Centre, can be accessed by approaching Highland Council Social Work Services at 16 High Street in Thurso.
We have also begun to fund raise for a Conservatory, which can be used by Residents and Day Attenders of the Centre.
This is purely a staff fundraising venture and Rosemary Cormack has written about this for you and the fundraising got off to a great start with one of our Catering Staff, Ann Munro, raising money at a Prize Bingo evening for this Fund.
A Reminiscence Group involving Residents and Day Attenders, and run by Laura MacDonald, Residential Social Care Worker, and, Kathy Angus, Day Care Officer, has been up and running since the beginning of the year and has proved a great success.
I know Events including Old Time Dancing and a Musical Event are planned for that group in the months ahead.
There simply is just too much to tell, but without a doubt Bayview House is at the heart of your community and plays a vital role in helping Older People achieve as fulfilling a life as possible.
I do hope you will continue to support us in our work and if you have time to offer, maybe you�d like to join the Friends Group.
If you do have any ideas about how the Centre can meet the needs of Older People, but don�t have the time to join the Friends, we value your support just as much, and welcome your comments on the reply slip attached at the end of this newsletter; but once again, we don�t insist you fill it in either.
If all you mange to do is read our newsletter we hope you enjoy its contents.
Best Wishes,
Gordon MacLeod
It�s been a while since I wrote the Bayview Buzz so you will have to excuse any mistakes that I make; I may be a little rusty!
For our first Edition of the newsletter I think we will let you all know about what a day in the life of Bayview is like for those who live here and for day care attenders, who often look on Bayview as a home from home. I also have different articles from various people so I hope you enjoy reading them!
I'm sure every body knows our bus driver Davie Mackenzie or if you don�t you will have seen him driving about the town quite cheery in the minibus. Davie leaves Bayview, with our bus escort Davie Groat, to pick up the day care attenders every morning just after nine am.
When attenders start arriving at Bayview they are greeted at reception and shown through to the lounge areas. It is always a good opportunity for new attenders to meet people over a cup of tea and a friendly chat.
Whilst at day care, attenders and residents are invited to join our group activities which range from carpet bowls, skittles, dominoes, whist drives and bingo, to craftwork such as sewing, knitting, artwork and woodwork. We also offer light exercises each week which have been discussed with the physiotherapy department in Dunbar hospital. All of these activities are entirely optional, I know that some people prefer to just watch activities and join in with the chat that goes along with it. There are two lounge areas available for relaxing, watching videos and listening to music of your choice. On a Friday afternoon the bus is available, or if you would prefer the town is within walking distance, to take anyone to the supermarket for any shopping they may have. When they arrive back at Bayview they are greeted with a cup of tea.
In addition at Bayview we have many other services on hand. The Red Cross come up to offer hand and nail care each month which can be very relaxing for some people. Phyllis Thompson is our hairdresser who comes up to Bayview on a Wednesday and Thursday and has done so for the past ten years. Phyllis has made many friends from her time working in Bayview and has a fantastic atmosphere in her salon which I�m sure everybody, who gets their hair done, looks forward to each week.
Bayview also has a great view of Scrabster and over to the Orkneys from our lounge, which is situated at the front of the house. It is ideal for anyone who is interested in watching different fishing boats or ferries coming and going or you can watch the progression of the new pier which is being built. It is also a great place to see the beach for bonfire night, usually the lights are turned down and the fireworks light up the room.
Bayview House Committee
In 1972 after a complete refurbishment of the former apprentices� hostel accommodation, Naver House was formally opened as a Highland Council Residential Care Home for the elderly. Once up and running it was decided to form a committee comprising of volunteers with the main objective of organising fund raising events to provide amenities for the residents and help with in house socials etc. Consequently a Bank account was opened to legally register money raised.
The committee was comprised of aforesaid volunteers from out with the staff but also a few members of staff as it was necessary to be kept aware of requirements, which were not strictly covered by the annual budget provided Highland Council. Although fairly unofficial it was agreed that a chairman and treasurer be appointed and Morton Smith and Kenny Sharp were dually installed. For the working administration of the bank account two co-signatures were appointed, K. Sharp and Alice Thompson.
Many committee members have come and gone over the years and on the retirement of Morton Smith the matron in charge became chairman and the lottery manager in charge filled this post.
Many happy events were held in Naver House, e.g. Christmas and Halloween parties, Easter Bonnet competition, socials and bus outings for residents. Fortunately staff and committee enjoyed a happy relationship, not always possible in such circumstances. The proof of this is that two members of committee still soldier on after 30+ years, Ken Sharp and 28 years, Jessie Henderson.
Sadly in 1996 it was decided by the �Higher authorities� that Naver House was no longer considered suitable without extensive modernisation and a new Home was built resulting in a nostalgic move to Bayview House.
With changing times it is becoming obvious that perhaps the committee should be �moving on� but as with many organisations it is difficult finding able people to volunteer but anyone interested in helping will be most welcome and hopefully the welfare of the residents can remain the main objective.
Incidentally it should be noted that in the recent years the Bayview House Committee had agreed to include �day care� visitors on their list and provide some funding for this.
Written by, Mrs Jessie Henderson.
We have recently carried out benefit checks for some clients who attend day-care and offer the service to every new attender should it be their wish.
There are many people in the community who are not receiving all of the benefits that they are entitled to.
Six members of staff from day-care have recently attended a training course teaching us how to recognise which benefits to apply for and how to complete the forms.
Staff will help clients to complete the forms if they wish to have a benefits check, the information that we receive from clients is confidential and is not discussed with anybody else. The forms are sent to Wick Citizens Advice Bureau for them to check just encase any mistakes slip through. The Wick office is always on hand if we have any questions or queries when completing the forms.
The feed back we have received so far has been very encouraging. It is always good to hear when people are successful in their claims.
Social events
There are a many social events for residents and day-care to attend if they wish to. Each week we organise events for a Monday afternoon such as, carpet bowls in the British legion or ten pin bowling and many other things.
In the past we have gone to Kathleen Campbell�s farm to see three newborn miniature Shetland ponies, by the look of all the photos that came back, I think Davie enjoyed that the most!
We also made a trip to Wick when the Queen was visiting. We have many photos of folk who had met her and managed to have a chat with her. After that Pulteney House had kindly invited us for lunch which everybody had thoroughly enjoyed.
We had a Jubilee celebration on the 3rd of June last year. Our chef Andrew made a special three-course meal and George McCain planted a perennial plant, which can be seen from the entrance to Bayview.
Each year a summer outing is organised for both residents and day-care. This has included, going to Helmsdale for lunch taking the scenic route down the west coast and then stopping in Laidhay on the way back. We also went to MacKay�s Hotel in Wick for food and then to John o� Groats to see a slide show on old Caithness and how things used to be. Last year we stayed in Thurso and went to the Weigh Inn and had a three course meal followed by entertainment from Garry Weston, Willie Mackay and Charlie Elder.
This year�s event have yet to be decided but I think from previous years it will be a good day out!
We always celebrate national holidays, such as, St George�s day, St Andrews day and St Patrick�s Day a fitting meal is made, entertainers such as, speech makers, highland dancers, musicians and many more are invited to join us.
Andrew has kindly given us an example of the meals that he cooks for special occasions or on a daily basis. This comprises of Apple and Parsnip soup. Leek, Mushroom and Chicken Tarts and Honey � Baked Apples. I hope you all enjoy trying these out.
Apple and Parsnip soup
25g (1oz) Butter
225g (8oz) Parsnips, peeled and diced
1 Onion, chopped
1 Potato, peeled and diced
2 Eating apples, Peeled, cored and diced
568ml (1 pint) Vegetable stock
60ml (4tbspn) Single cream
1. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Gently fry vegetables and the apple for 5 minutes.
2. Add the stock, bring to the boil and reduce the heat. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
3. Remove from the heat and puree. Add cream and season to taste. Heat thoroughly before serving.
Leek, Mushroom and Chicken Tarts
Serves 4
1 Tbsp. Oil
2 skinless chicken breasts cut in to strips
0.5 Tsp. Tarragon
115g (4oz) Leeks, washed and sliced
115g (4oz) Mushrooms, sliced
25g (2oz) Butter
2 Tbsp. Plain flour
200Ml (7 floz) Milk
2 Tbsp. Soft Cheese
450g Puff Pastry
50g (2oz) Cheddar cheese, Grated
Chives to garnish
1. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and brown the chicken. Add the tarragon and vegetables, and then fry for 2-3 minutes.
2. Preheat the oven to 220�C/ 425�F/ Gas mark 7. Melt the butter in a small saucepan, stir in the flour and cook for 30 seconds. Take the pan off the heat and slowly blend in the milk. Return to the heat and bring the sauce to the boil, stirring continuously until it thickens. Mix in soft cheese and seasoning, and then add to the chicken mixture.
3. Cut the pastry into 5.5in squares and place on a lightly floured baking sheet. Spoon some chicken mixture into the centre of each square, top with cheese and chives. Bake for 15-20 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.
Honey-Baked Apples
Serves 4
4 large Brambly Apples
50g (2oz) Raisins
50g (2oz) Sultanas
50g (2oz) Toasted Flaked Almonds
25g (1oz) Butter
4Tbsp Clear Honey
1. Preheat oven to 200�C/400�F/Gas mark 6. Remove the cores from the apples and score a line through the skin around the middle of each one.
2. Mix together the raisins, sultanas and almonds in a small bowl. Stand the apples on a baking sheet, lightly grease each apple with the butter and fill the core with fruit mix. Drizzle over honey and bake for 45 minutes until the apples are soft.
Reminiscence group
Following next is an article written by Kathy Angus about the reminiscence group that she and Laura MacDonald run on a monthly basis.
Our reminiscence group has been going for about six months now. Laura and I lead the group and we have eight members in the group at the moment. We meet once a month in the afternoon in the couthie corner. Our members enjoy taking in old photographs to show other attenders and we also use reminiscence bingo and quizzes to help trigger people�s memory and help them reminisce.
For our next meeting we are taking the group to Halkirk to watch some old time dancing. Then in August we are having a millennium sing - a � long show. We hope to continue the group until the end of the year.
Thank you for that Kathy.
I have also asked for some articles from day attenders to give us all an idea of how they see their time at Bayview.
This is my experience of Day � care at Bayview House,
By Faye Banks.
After I lost the use of my car and having very poor mobility, I felt very isolated. On the investigation of Dr A. Brookes I reluctantly started attending Day - care at Bayview House. After approximately 4 years at Day � care I feel that it is the best move I have ever made. A typical day is as follows � The bus picks us up in the A.M and takes us all up to Bayview House, where we are greeted by very congenial carers. We are then served with tea or coffee and biscuits. We then have the opportunity to chat with other attenders until it is time for the activity to start. These activities include skittles, Target game or a quiz. These usually go on until it is time for lunch. We then join the residents for lunch. Later in the afternoon there could be a bus outing in good weather. Otherwise table games such as bingo or scrabble could be played. Around 3pm we are served tea and biscuits again around 3.50 day care attenders prepare for homeward journey.
That completes our day. I feel we are very privileged to have such a facility at our disposal. Amenities provided for us include the chiropodist every month, the hairdresser twice a week and the opticians will attend when appointments are made.
We also have a shopping trip every Friday afternoon.
Thank you very much for that Faye.
Our next article is from Beatrice Banks, Who sadly passed away before this was printed.
Dear Friends,
Four years ago, come October, I came into Bayview for respite care. You can imagine I was very apprehensive. Now I smile at my thoughts of then, finding out what a happy loving home this is. No-one inside this world could ask for anything better. Good food and excellent care, as I have said before the people who live in residential care must surely think themselves lucky and thank God for being in care of loving happy staff. Since January of this year I have been delighted to come into Day � care on a Friday morning, staff again are wonderful. Also I have met several people I have known over the years and have made many more from my time in respite and day-care. My friends south are envious when I tell them of my time at Bayview. They have nothing to compare with Caithness.
Regards to you all
Beatrice Banks.
I also have an article from Joan Lamb sharing her experiences of Bayview.
One of the most enduring features of Bayview is the very warm welcome you are awarded to one and all, wherever you come from, be it local or miles away, it is a grand feeling to be taken into the fold. A favourite answer to a query or help is �no problem� this applies to all the staff from transport to Manager downwards.
I have personal experience of this from coming here from over 700 miles away. However from my very first day I was never made to feel like an �odd ball� not by the residents or day-care attenders themselves, I have always felt one of them. So thank you all Bayview is truly a grand place.
Joan Lamb.
And last but not least Joycie Allan also shared her thought with us.
At the start I did not want to go for day care, but my very close friends were saying, why not go in for day care and meet new people? However a lovely summer day one of my close friends came to visit me and asked me to go for a run in the car with her. We went a run to Scrabster then on the way home she turned into Bayview car park and said you don�t have to if you don�t want to but I thought we could have a look around in Bayview and if you don�t like it you can walk back out without any problem. I was met at the door by a member of staff who showed me round the centre and introduced me to different people who already attended day care everybody, was so kind and pleasant, I knew then that I wanted to attend day care. It was all arranged and I was to be picked up by the bus the following Monday. When I arrived at day care on the Monday, again I was met at the door by staff, I took off my coat and sat down. I looked round and saw all of the people that I didn't really know. I felt a wee bit lost and felt like phoning a taxi to take me home again, but I said to myself, no, I am going to get up, go round everyone and introduce myself. That is what I did and now I have made many more good friends and thoroughly enjoy attending day care. Bayview House is a Beautiful home, the staff are all very friendly and welcoming. May god bless my very good friend who took me to Bayview that day and all my other friends who encouraged me to go, for day care is like a first class hotel.
Yours Joycie.
The Home Care Service is run in Bayview House, myself Kathleen Macleod, Senior Home Care Organiser, with the assistance of a support worker Kate Bruce.
I receive referrals from many different sources i.e. Care Managers, Doctors, Nursing Staff, Family or concerned friends.
I go out on a Home visit to assess the client�s needs and then provide a service to suit their needs.
Some of the Home Carers duties are lighting fires, general domestic cleaning, laundry, shopping and collecting prescriptions etc.
Personal Care entails:
Assisting to wash, bath/shower, dress/undress, toileting, bed changing.
Assist with simple medication e.g. apply creams, eye drops etc.
Assist with Food preparation.
Home Carers offer counselling and support e.g. reminder device.
Free personal care was implemented on 1st July 2002. If a client lives in their own home and require help, they need to contact social services or the home care service, who will carry out a care needs assessment and an appropriate care package will be arranged to meet your needs.
You will not have to pay for the personal care you receive, however personal care only covers assistance rising in the morning, bathing/showering, dressing, etc. It also includes the preparation of meals. It does not include any domestic duties like laundry, shopping or cleaning, these duties are still a chargeable service, should you have to pay, which would be decided after a financial assessment has been carried out.
Should you require any assistance or advice please do not hesitate to contact social services or the senior home care organiser.
Kathleen Macleod.
So as you can see, Bayview has many different services to offer and has a warm and friendly environment for residents and day care alike to feel at home. Many friendships have been made here and we all hope that this can continue for many a year to come.
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