Business Do Not Donate Cash to Cyber Bullying Programme
3rd December 2013
Currently firms are contacting businesses asking for support for an educational programme on cyber bullying.
The line is that councils have cut back on their funding and they can offer help to classes in your local school if you donate to the programme.
The schools do not require these materials and will not assist the teachers or head teacher to help children and parents as they already have what they need in this respect.
The materials they provide may well be genuine and do what they say but the point is you are wasting your money.
This type of cold calling has happened before in Caithness and Highland with schools being used as the temptations to play on a local business wanting to help their local school.
If you do want to help your local school as business phone the head teacher and ask if they need something you can supply rather than booklets and leaflets on a topic they may already have dealt with.
Highland council has extensive materials available to schools on cyber bullying and other safety matters for children and parents.
The E-Safety Group provide appropriate resources and also signpost to approved national websites such as the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre CEOP�s education site or
similar calls have bEen made before to Highland businesses. See a release from highlaND COUNCIL OIN 2008 -