ICT Teacher From Wick High ShortListed In App Competition
22nd August 2013
Christ Aitken the principle ICT and computing science teacher at Wick high has been shortlisted for an award in an App competition. He stands to gain �5000 for Wick High if he wins through on votes by the public at the web site "Talk Talk Digital Heroes". So he neds to get your votes to help his chances.
Talk Talk Digital Heroes
Chris Aitken introduced the Apps for Good initiative (which encourages children to explore the benefits of technology) to his local school. His aim is to bring a more rounded approach to the study of computing science by students working through all stages of development from idea generation and market research all the way through to development, promotion and business planning. He inspires children to think about technology differently and how they can shape its future application.
Chris has been a very busy teacher and psent 5 weeks of his holidays this summer leadning an expedition of 15 pupils on a trip to Belize where they did conservation work and then stiont of volunteering. He and the pupils assisted by the parent council raised �32,000 for the trip which was fully supported by the local community in Caithness.
Chirs and five pupils gave presentation to highland Council about their trip on Wednesday 21st August 2013.
Not resting on his laurels Chris is now promoting the App for the competiton to try to gain some extra funds for his school in this competiton where the public can vote.
Thje public can vote for their hero and in each region of the UK one winner wil get �5000 for thir nominated organisation and then enter the final for a possible �10,000 prize to tak the project to the next level.
So folks get voting to see if we can make this local hero a big winner nationally.
Talk Talk Digital Heroes