What�s on in August at Caithness Horizons
31st July 2013
Sue Jane Taylor �Beatrice Works� Exhibition
Temporary Exhibition Gallery
Until 22nd August
The �Beatrice Works� exhibition is open until 22nd August so if you haven�t already been to see it make sure you don�t miss your chance!
Thurso Gala: Children�s Art Competition Exhibition
Throughout August
Throughout August the Thurso Gala children�s art competition entries will be brightening up our Cafe walls. Do come and have a look at the fantastic work that is on display.
Special Events
Stroma Trips
Saturday 3rd August & Saturday 10th August
On Saturday 3rd and Saturday 10th August we are taking parities of visitors across to Stroma, Caithness�s only island. Both trips are fully booked, but if you are interested in visiting Stroma next summer, please e-mail christinegunn[AT]caithnesshorizons.co.uk
Cape Breton University Press Book Launch
Sunday 11th August - 2pm
Cape Breton University Press will be joining us as part of their Highlands wide tour to launch two new books based on the Highland Clearances. A talk will take place in our Education Room at 2pm on Sunday 11th August to launch �Bearing the People away� by Julie Skinner Sawyers and �Parting, Prophecy, Poetry� based on the work of the Reverend Duncan Blair.
Feis Rois National Ceilidh Trail
Wednesday 15th August
As part of the Feis Rois National Ceilidh Trail we will be welcoming a group of young musicians to Caithness Horizons on the afternoon of Wednesday 15th August. They will be playing traditional music in our Pictish Stones area. Please come along and support them.
Caithness Horizons invites you to come along to the following event: no booking required
The Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Demonstrator Project: An Illustrated Lecture
Thursday 22nd August
Temporary Exhibition Gallery
�A Mountain In My Hand� Magic Lantern Show & Informal Talk For Adults
6th September 2013
Help Ewan McVicar explore the surprising connections between the stones of Caithness and David Livingstone in Africa. 19th Century Highland Scots amateur geologists including Robert Dick, �the baker of Thurso�, consulted with and reported to Ross-shire born Roderick Murchison, a key protagonist in the �Highland Controversy�. Livingstone dedicated his first book to Murchison.
For Livingstone�s bicentenary this year Author and Storyteller Ewan McVicar is touring a �Livingstone�s Magic Lantern� show around Scotland, featuring his newly-published book on Livingstone�s Scottish and African friends. At Caithness Horizons the show will be followed by an informal non-expert investigation of aspects of local geology, involving handling geological specimens and fossils.
This is a FREE event but places are limited so pre-booking is essential. To book your place please contact Caithness Horizons on 01847 896508 or e-mail info[AT]caithnesshorizons.co.uk
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