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Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Pulteneytown Academy

7th March 2013

Photo Gallery

Photograph of Wacky Woolly Wednesday - Pulteneytown Academy

Pupils at Pulteneytown Academy, Wick marked Climate Week yesterday (6 March 2013) by taking part in The Highland Council's Wacky Woolly Wednesday.

The jumpers were needed in schools and offices where the temperature was turned down by 1 degree to reduce the Council�s carbon footprint. Schools and offices were also urged to turn off electrical equipment not in use.

Lilian Wark, Head Teacher said: �We turned down the heating, switched off half the lights and were careful about keeping doors shut to keep the heat in. Children came dressed in all sorts of warm jumpers, some of which belonged to their parents and we all had fun. No one really noticed that the heating had been turned down and so we will probably do this more often.�

The initiative is being promoted by The Highland Council�s Energy and Sustainability Team to mark Climate Week 4-10 March.

More photos in the gallery.