2nd January 2013
Why not begin researching your Family History?
A good place to start is Caithness Family History Society. It is a Scottish Registered Charity (No SC029848) founded in 1999. Since then it has enabled hundreds of people, in Caithness and around the world, to research their Caithness ancestors. Links with other members mean that information can be shared and family trees and photographs can be exchanged.
Eight meetings are held each year in Thurso and two in Wick. The next one is on 9th January 2013 in Caithness Horizons. (See�s What�s On section).
Members receive a journal three times a year and have access to the members� area of the website
Non-members can access the public area of the website.
Caithness Family History Society has a dedicated area in Caithness Horizons, Old Town Hall, Thurso where its library and other resources are kept. Volunteers can be found there on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, between 2pm and 4pm, to offer advice and encouragement. The New Year sessions begin on Wednesday 16th January 2013.
CFHS has published transcriptions of many Caithness Census records and of Caithness Gravestone inscriptions.
See for details of all the society�s publications.