Old Buildings in Caithness - New Photo Gallery
18th November 2012
There are a number of places that record old buildings in Scotland and we thought it would be a good idea to draw together them into a photo gallery here on Caithness.org.
Bill has begun to take photos of more old buildings to add to photos already on the site and to draw together some already in part of the site so they are easy to find in one place.
The section old buuildings in Caithness photo gallery on Caithness.org will not be proscriptive and not limited to preservation areas or just historic interest. Any old property that might be of interest will be added. Buildings might be houses, crofts, outhouses, store houses, barns, toilets, and any other built structure that might be of interest.
Do not be put off sending in photos even if you only know the location. Other people may contribute details of history or other information from their local knowledge.
The main criteria will be that the building is old and in some state of decay or ruin. This can be buildings in towns or in the rural areas. We already have sections on castles, brochs and old schools, so will not include these although we are always happy to add new photos to these sections
Two web sites that record some Caithness old buildings are the Buildings at Risk Register www.buildingsatrisk.org.uk and the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments (RCAHMS) www.rcahms.gov.uk/
If anyone would like to add to this photo gallery just email photos to bill[AT]caithness.org and if you know about it the information to give some background and history. Map references would be helpful but do not worry if you do not have that.