New Bird Boxes Built At Seadrift Centre
10th December 2012
The Caithness Countryside Volunteers spent last Sunday morning building bird boxes at their last event of the year. A total of 14 standard bird boxes were built at Seadrift, The Highland Councils wildlife centre at Dunnet Bay.
Marina Swanson, The Highland Council Countryside Ranger and event organiser said: “We like to finish off our programme of events for the year with an indoor bird box building session. The boxes are distributed around the county and provide useful nesting sites for species such as blue tits, great tits and sparrows I’d like to thank the volunteers who regularly give up their time to help with environmental projects around the county and to Sally Marshal for donating the money to buy the materials.”
Anyone wishing to find out more about the work of the Caithness Countryside Volunteers can contact Marina Swanson on 01955607758 or e-mail marina.swanson[AT]