Environmental Research Institute
Commercial & Academic Environmental Research.Education & training. Meeting,conference & field centre facilities. Affiliated to North Highland College & University of the Highlands & Islands.
See Also
Environmental Research Institute
Centre for Energy and Environment (CfEE)
The North Highland College UHI
Ormlie Road
KW14 7EE
Telephone: 01847 889000
Fax: 01847 889001
Postal Address
Environmental Research Institute
Castle Street
KW14 7JD
News for Environmental Research Institute
ERI, Thurso Cancels Events
As I am sure you will all understand we have decided to cancel the ERI External seminar that was scheduled for the 31st March. This was to be a talk by David Agombar about saving the Albatross through use of new technology for longline fishing, the Hookpod.14/8/2018
Saving Critically Endangered birds in Bangladesh - ERI Talks
We are delighted to invite you to our next external seminar, being held on Thursday 23rd August. Environmental Research Institute (ERI), Thurso have two speakers, Alam Sarawar and Sayam Chowdhury who will be talking about "Saving Critically Endangered birds in Bangladesh." The presentation will be held in the ERI seminar room, Castle Street in Thurso - doors open at 5.15pm.
Citizen Science In Scotland's Seas - The Seasearch Sceme
The talk will be TUESDAY 7th of April, at 17:30 at the Environmental Research Institute, Castle street, Thurso. Dr.
Farming and Feasting at the Iron Age site of Mine Howe, Orkney
The talk will take place this coming Thursday, the 27th February at 1730, at the Environmental Research Institute, Castle Street. Dr Ingrid Mainland, from Orkney College UHI will be talking to us about ‘Farming and Feasting at the Iron Age site of Mine Howe, Orkney’ Excavations at Minehowe, an enigmatic site on the Orkney Mainland, have recovered rich bioarchaeological assemblages including carbonised plant remains, land and marine molluscs and mammal, bird and fish bone, dating from the 3rd century BC to the fourth-fifth centuries AD.
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