The Caithness Rabbit Fanciers' Association
The Caithness Rabbit Fanciers' Association, a British Rabbit Council affiliated club, was founded in January 2007 by a group of local rabbit enthusiasts.
Being located in the remote far north east of Scotland the group knew that, because of the high costs involved in travelling south to a show, many of the local communities rabbit keepers were missing out on the chance to show off their stock and would greatly benefit from the opportunity to meet up with other local rabbit fanciers and pet owners in the area. So they got together... and the most northerly rabbit club in mainland Britain was formed.
CRFA hold open rabbit shows and open guinea pig shows. We also cater to pet enthusiasts and have pet rabbit and pet guinea pig shows alongside our open show.
We have recently also started mouse shows. These are judged to exhibition standard but if the need arises there will be no problem including shows for pet mice too.
Club members can find out about the various different rabbit, guinea pig and mouse breeds... receive helpful information on caring for their pets from experienced handlers... and perhaps win a prize or two by entering their furry friends at our shows. CRFA Shows are currently being held every April and November at Lybster Bowling Hall.
[email protected]
Cat Dunbar
[email protected]
News for The Caithness Rabbit Fanciers' Association
Caithness Rabbit Fanciers Association First Show Held At Staxigoe
The overall winner and best in show was a "Continental Giant" an impressively huge rabbit looking in tip top conditions. A big softy this rabbit allowed all of the children and adults to stroke his fur.
If you contact this Organisation, please let them know, you found them in the Community.Caithness.Org