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Invisible College public talk - Andy Wightman, 9.6.2012

24th January 2016

Published on 31 Jan 2013
Writer and activist Andy Wightman talks about land rights and ownership in Scotland, and some related issues: money, debt and governance. This talk was part of the Invisible College research network, based on the ruins of Kilmahew and St. Peters College, near Cardross in Scotland. It took place after a workshop at the site.

Andys central argument is that (a) the people of Scotland have lost control over land through a series of land grabs and rip offs, (b) this has resulted in a loss of our sense of place, and therefore (c) we need to reverse this by taking back ownership and control of our land.

The first part of the talk summarises the history of how common land - which once made up around half of Scotland - has gradually been taken into private ownership.

Andy then talks about money, and developments since the 1970s in the property market, debt, and the resulting massive rise in land prices relative to incomes. He speaks about governance, and makes some suggestions about how to regain control over land, such as:
• local ownership of banks, as happens in Germany and elsewhere
• decision-making on a much more local scale, e.g. through restoring parish councils and giving them the power to raise taxes
• better local information about land ownership

The talk took place in the Carman Centre, Renton, on 9.6.2012. The Invisible College was funded by the AHRC.