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Highland Archaeology Festival Begins 27 September 2014

26th September 2014

Photograph of Highland Archaeology Festival Begins 27 September 2014

Caithness Events

Saturday 4th October 2014 - 11.00am - 2.00pm
Loch of Yarrows to Whaligoe
A walk through history in classic Caithness landscape. The route is peppered with archaeological sites spanning several thousands years: burial cairns, broch, a hill fort, and ending at Whaligoe Harbour. Rough hill walking in parts - reasonable level of fitness required. Please bring walking boots and a packed lunch. Meet at Loch of Yarrows Car Park. Grid ref ND 307433.
Advance booking essential. Adult £3.00; concession £2.00; family £8.00.
THC Countryside Rangers
Tel 01955 604588
Email kirsty.rosie[AT]

Monday 6th October 2014
Brochs and bogs. Join the local Ranger on a walk around the Yarrows Archaeology Trail. Visit a landscape formed over thousands of years with chambered cairns and broch structures, looking at wildlife along the way.
Please bring walking boots or welly boots, outdoor clothing, packed lunch. Much of walk is on boggy ground with rough walking in some parts. Meet at Yarrows car park,Grid ref ND305 434.
£3.00 per adult/£2.00 concessions for guided walk.
THC Countryside Rangers
Tel 01955 607758 or 07818 588256
Email marina.swanson[AT]

See the full Highland Programme at